Pickleball, the fastest growing sport in America blends elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It has rapidly grown into a beloved sport for players from 9 to 90. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and low cost, making it accessible to beginners while still offering competitive challenges for seasoned players. It’s easy to learn and more difficult to master.

However, as with any physical activity, pickleball brings its own set of challenges, causing injury to many joints and muscles in the body.  A common complaint amongst players is unbearable wrist pain from the consistent motion of holding the paddle and swinging from the wrist. This common complaint can dampen the enjoyment of the game, making it crucial to address, whether you are a 2.0 or a pro.

Understanding Pickleball Wrist Pain

Wrist pain in pickleball players often stems from repetitive motion, improper technique, or inadequate equipment use. Recognizing the symptoms early can lead to quicker interventions and less time away from the court.

Pain and Tenderness:

The first signs are usually a consistent ache or sharp pain during wrist movement, signalling potential overuse injuries.

Swelling and Inflammation:

Noticeable swelling, particularly if the wrist feels warm, indicates inflammation, a natural but potentially problematic response to injury.

Snapping Sensation:

Experiencing a snapping or clicking during movement can be a red flag for ligament issues and should not be ignored.

Local Swelling:

Swelling in a specific area can pinpoint a more localized injury, often due to repetitive stress or a sudden awkward movement.


Difficulty moving the wrist, a feeling of it being "stuck," may arise from overexertion or lack of proper warm-up.

Weakness or Limited Range of Motion:

These symptoms could indicate more serious issues, affecting your ability to play effectively.

Preventive Strategies

Addressing wrist pain involves more than just treatment; prevention plays a key role. Here are essential strategies to keep your wrists healthy:

Importance of Warm-up and Stretching:

A comprehensive warm-up increases blood flow and prepares the muscles and joints for activity, reducing the risk of injuries.

Mastering Proper Technique:

Proper technique in holding your paddle is critical. Incorrect movements can place undue stress on the wrist, leading to pain and injury. Holding your paddle too tightly and swinging from the wrist instead of the shoulder is one of the main factors in wrist injuries.

Strengthening Exercises for Injury Prevention:

Strengthening the muscles around the wrist can provide better support and reduce the risk of pain.

The Necessity of Breaks and Adequate Rest:

Listening to your body and taking breaks when needed helps prevent overuse injuries.

The Role of Protective Gear in Avoiding Injuries:

The Zero Zero Start Wrist Supports and Braces offer additional stability and protection, particularly for those with previous injuries. Whether you select the compression wrist support or the copper lined wrap, you can be assured that you can support your wrist from the continual impact of the paddle.

Reduce Strain After Play:

If you feel strain during play, it is extremely helpful to utilize the Zero Zero Start Compression Support Brace to reduce strain after play. 

Common Questions that People have about Pickleball Wrist Pain | FAQs

What are the first signs of pickleball wrist pain?

   - Initial signs include consistent ache or sharp pain, especially when moving the wrist, and tenderness upon touch.

How can I prevent pickleball wrist pain?

   - Engage in a thorough warm-up, practice proper technique, strengthen your wrists, take regular breaks, and make sure you are wearing the right protective gear during play.

Should I play pickleball if my wrist is already hurting?

   - Although we know it is hard to stay off the court, it is advisable to rest and seek medical advice if experiencing pain, to prevent exacerbating the injury.

Can stretching really help prevent wrist pain?

   - Yes, stretching increases flexibility and blood flow, reducing the risk of injuries caused by repetitive motions.

Is it necessary to wear wrist braces while playing pickleball?

   - While not mandatory for everyone, wrist support can offer pain relieving support and protection, particularly for those with previous wrist injuries or those looking to prevent potential issues.

Final Word

We all love our pickleball.  It is a fantastically addicting sport that combines fitness, strategy, and social interaction. However, like any physical activity, it's important to play smart and to take care of your body if you want to stay on the court. By understanding the symptoms of wrist pain and employing preventive strategies, you can enjoy pickleball to the fullest, minimizing the risk of injury.  Zero. Zero. Start! Game on!

Always remember, if pain or discomfort persists,

consulting a healthcare professional is the best course of action!